Tag Archives: savory

Asiago Cheese Semolina Braid with Prosciutto Crumbles

22 Apr

close up  of cheesy bacony goodness

Bacon, egg, and cheese bread – that’s what my friends are calling this recipe.  I just couldn’t get the idea of a savory brunch braid out of my mind. I love braiding dough. I’ll use any excuse to make homemade bread look prettier for the table. So many braids are sweet and creamy and fruity (Exhibit A: my Hot Cross Cream Cheese Braid from last spring). I thought to myself, what a great challenge to make a really cheesy, garlicky, savory one. My friends have not complained once through an extended testing phase.

flavor close-up - semolina, asiago, prosciutto and garlic

Asiago cheese, milk, and eggs enrich strong dough made from Hodgson Mill Semolina Pasta Flour and White Whole Wheat Flour. The finished golden brown braid is covered with another sprinkle of cheese and crisp, bacon-like crumbles of prosciutto for a huge punch of flavor. Bar none, this is some of the best toast I’ve ever eaten.

To get started, mix warm milk, butter, and yeast proofed in warm water with a little flour and the asiago cheese. Then mix in the rest of the flour to make a stiff dough. Continue reading

Savory Sweet Potato and Cannelini Bean Pie with Whole Wheat Olive Oil Crust

13 Nov

I’ve been experimenting. My philosophy is, start with good ingredients that you love, and whatever you make can’t be all bad. (Within reason: I’m not advocating for shrimp in chocolate sauce or anything.) But how about sweet potatoes, with rosemary and goat cheese? Sign me up. I knew I was getting close to something great with this pie when one of my taste testers said, “Oh, wow. I could eat this several times a day.” Whoohoo!

My savory-sweet potato experiment began because I always think sweet potatoes have such great potential for a savory dish—they’re sweet, but mellow—and because I love pie as an entrée. I just couldn’t find another savory sweet potato pie recipe out there. Continue reading

Gourmet Savory Hot Cereal with Bacon, Spinach, and Parmesan

30 Apr

This is my new go-to meal when I get home after a long day, tired and hungry. Five ingredients. Ten minutes. Rich, crispy strips of bacon with silky spinach quickly sautéed in olive oil, over a creamy, nutty ‘risotto’ of Hodgson Mill Oat Bran Cereal, sprinkled over with grated parmesan, a pinch of sea salt, and a grind of black pepper. It’s is an incredibly speedy way to a meal that’s delicious and satisfying without being too heavy.

The beauty of oats is that a little salt one way or a little sugar the other is the tipping point for dinner vs. breakfast/dessert. Remember when we talked about how convenient it is to make a big pot of steel cut oats for the week, and using different toppings to keep your meals exciting? It got me to thinking about other, more savory ways you can dress up a hot cereal, and this is the first dinner-worthy combo I’ve found that’s good enough to tell the world about . (Using bacon feels a bit like cheating–what isn’t delicious with bacon? But it’s just so tasty with the oats.)  And if you aren’t a fan of sweets for breakfast, it makes a fantastic start to the day, too.

I find I personally like the texture of oat bran cereal the best when I use half whole milk and half water. Feel free to experiment one way or the other; it works to make it with water, and it works to make it with all milk; I do think it is helped by a little bit of fat. If you agree, but all you have is water, you could always add a little knob of butter or a glug of olive oil. Continue reading